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بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

سیب هلو یاس

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

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 The Beckham Brand
Beckham goes to US

The former England football captain, David Beckham, will today start a new job - as the richest footballer in history. but most of that money will come from business activities not fotballing performances. This report from Andy Farrant:

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While Beckham the footballer is worth millions of dollars, Beckham as a commercial brand is worth tens of millions. His basic salary as a player for his new club is a comparatively modest six million dollars a year. The rest is made up from advertising contracts, sponsorship deals and profit sharing.

While there's no doubt that Los Angeles Galaxy has bought 32 year old Beckham the footballer to raise its profile and that of Major League Soccer in general, it's also invested in Beckham the brand. His previous club, Real Madrid, can testify to the success of that brand. The Spanish club made six hundred million dollars in marketing and commercial activities in the four years he played there, an increase in profits of one hundred and thirty seven per cent.

Already, his new American club has attracted an extra twenty million dollars in sponsorship. But the big question is can the Beckham brand be successfully exported from Europe to America? He's better known in Europe, Africa and Asia than in the United States where football, or soccer as it's called, is a poor relation to basketball, baseball and American football. And a recent survey among Americans reveals that David Beckham is more famous for being married to a member of the Spice Girl pop group than for his footballing exploits.

Andy Farrant, BBC Sports News Reporter

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قطبی: حضورم در پرسپولیس منتفی است

مربی ایرانی تیم ملی فوتبال کره جنوبی درباره احتمال سفرش به تهران برای مربیگری در تیم سرخ پوش تهرانی گفت: حضورم در تیم پرسپولیس منتفی است. 
افشین قطبی در گفت وگو با خبرگزاری فارس در باره تصمیمش برای فصل آینده در باشگاه تهرانی چنین اظهار داشت: خبر حضورم در تیم پرسپولیس در کره جنوبی مشکلات زیادی را برایم در پی داشته است بنابراین به احتمال 90 درصد به این تیم نخواهم پیوست.
وی در باره شایعه نوشتن نامه‌ای به باشگاه پرسپولیس مبنی بر عدم سفرش به تهران، گفت: نمی‌خواهم وارد مسایل حاشیه‌ای شوم، اما تصمیمی برای مربیگری در ایران نگرفته‌ام.
قطبی تصریح کرد: برای حل مسایل و بررسی شرایط، مدیر برنامه‌های با سران باشگاه پرسپولیس صحبت‌های لازم را انجام می‌دهد و در واقع وی تمامی این مسایل را پیگیری می‌کند.