سیب هلو یاس

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

سیب هلو یاس

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

عیادت محمدی گلپایگانی و پرویز داودی از آیت‌الله مشکینی


مسئول دفتر مقام معظم رهبری و معاون اول رئیس جمهور پیش از ظهر امروز با حضور بر بالین آیت‌الله مشکینی از ایشان عیادت کردند. 
به گزارش فارس، محمدی گلپایگانی مسئول دفتر مقام معظم رهبری و پرویز داودی معاون اول رئیس جمهور کشورمان پیش از ظهر امروز پنج‌شنبه با حضور در یکی از بیمارستانهای تهران به نمایندگی از مقام معظم رهبری و رئیس جمهوری از آیت الله مشکینی عیادت و از نزدیک در جریان مراحل مداوای ایشان قرار گرفتند.
آیت الله مشکینی رئیس مجلس خبرگان رهبری به دلیل بیماری که مدت‌ها بود از آن رنج می‌برد در یکی از بیمارستانهای تهران بستری شده‌ است. حال وی از بامداد امروز رو به وخامت گذاشت.

Nelson Mandela's birthday

18 July, 2007 - Published 16:04 GMT
Nelson Mandela's birthday
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is using the occasion of his 89th birthday today to launch a new organisation of former world leaders that is to tackle some of the world's most pressing problems. This report from Peter Greste:

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Respect for the wisdom of elders is a deeply embedded African tradition and it is a concept that seems to be at the heart of this latest initiative to bring together some of the world's highest profile retirees.

Arguably, the world's most respected elder statesman, Nelson Mandela, is to mark his eighty ninth birthday by introducing the elite group of international leaders. The idea originated with British entrepreneur Richard Branson and musician, Peter Gabriel, who wanted to create a world council of elders to take on big issues such as AIDS and global warming.

According to a statement from the organisers, the group will contribute their wisdom, independent leadership and integrity in addressing some of the world's toughest problems. It is a big idea with powerful people behind it.

Although it's not yet clear who will serve on the council, among those attending the launch will be South Africa's retired Anglican archbishop, Desmond Tutu, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, the former US president Jimmy Carter and the former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson.

There is no shortage of moral authority there but the former leaders have also long since left the real levers of power behind them.

Peter Greste, BBC, Johannesburg

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